Victory Tastes Sweet With The Galler Kinect Game
Arcade Game - Motion Controls - Marketing
"Everybody loves the game!"
Stijn Spithoven
Brand Activators
Key Points
- Challenge: Create an accessible way for people to engage with Galler’s rebranding
- Solution: A short, simple game without controller, just your body.
- Approach: Brand Activators had a clear vision. We refined it using our game experience and tech knowhow.
- Outcome: A fun, low-threshold game where you could win actual chocolate!
Galler completely overhauled the look of their chocolate bars and corporate identity. The game’s visuals and user interface perfectly reflects this. We also extended this idea into the gameplay: catch the ‘new’ bars, but avoid the old!

Move It!
We used Kinect technology to allow for motion controls. Simply waving at the screen would start the game. Gameplay itself was kept as simple as possible: move left or right to move the basket on screen, and catch the chocolate bars falling down.